Sponsorship Package and Benefits
The International Conference on ‘Trace Elements in Man and Animals’ is a prestigious international conference conducted across the globe on all six continents. So far, 17 conferences have been organised in countries such as the United States of America, Russia, Germany, Chile, the United Kingdom, China, etc. More than 400 professionals from six different fields are expected to congregate at the TEMA18-2024 conference.
The 18th triannual conference, TEMA18-2024, is being jointly hosted by Penn State University, USA, and Ramaiah Group of Institutions, Bengaluru, India, from November 8–12, 2024. This conference will cover a wide range of important fields of trace elements, their role in medicine, veterinary sciences, the environment, diet, and other domains.
Participants include renowned scientists, clinicians, researchers, faculty, students, and professionals from the pharmaceutical and food industries.
As a sponsor, you will have ample opportunity to showcase your products and services to a large and diverse audience of health care professionals. You will also gain exposure and recognition as a leader and supporter of professionals from across the globe.
International – USD 10,000 and above
National – INR 10,00,000 and above
- Sponsor’s logo on the main stage and all promotional materials.
- Main stall in the exhibition area with prominent signage and branding options.
- 15 minutes AV shared with all participants in the conference during session breaks.
- Promotional materials included in the registration kit.
- Sponsor for the main Banquet of the conference with prominent branding.
- Complementary Stall of Size 20 ‘ x 20 ’.
- Complementary pass for 10 people.
International – USD 8,000 – 9,999
National – INR 8,00,000 – 9,99,999
- Sponsor’s logo in a prominent location.
- Large exhibit area with options for photo booth and other branding opportunities.
- 5 minutes promo AV share with all participants during session breaks.
- One-page promotional brochure in the registration kit.
Sponsor of lunch on one of the days. - Complementary Stall of Size 15 ‘ x 20 ’.
- Complementary pass for 8 people.
International – USD 6,000 – 7,999
National – INR 6,00,000 – 7,99,999
- Logo placed in prominent conference locations.
- One-page promotional brochure in the registration kit.
- Sponsor of the lunch on one of the days.
- Double stall in the exhibit area- Premium location.
- Complementary Stall of Size 10 ‘ x 15 ’.
- Complementary pass for 6 people.
International – USD 4,000 – 5,999
National – INR 4,00,000 – 5,99,999
- One stall in the exhibit area- regular/standard size.
- Promotional material is included in the registration of all participants.
- Complementary Stall of Size 10 ‘ x 10 ’.
- Complementary pass for 4 people.
International – USD 2,000 – 1,999
National – INR 2,00,000 – 3,99,999
- Promotional material is included in the registration of all participants.
- Complementary Stall of Size 10 ‘ x 5 ’.
- Complementary pass for 2 people.

Contact Information
for sponsorship enquiries
For International
Dr. K. Sandeep Prabhu,
Professor & Head,
Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences,
Penn State University, USA.
Conference General Secretary
Tel: +1(814)404-6511
Email: [email protected]
For National
Dr. N. Ramesha
Professor, Department of Biotechnology,
M. S. Ramaiah College of Arts, Science
and Commerce, Bengaluru, India.
Conference Organising Secretary
Tel: (+91) 9099099369
Email: [email protected]
For National
M. S. Ramaiah College of Arts, Science
and Commerce, Bengaluru, India.
Conference Co-Chairperson
Email: [email protected]